17th Annual Texas STEM Conference
March 2, 2024
T-STEM Conference Registration
The 2024 STEM Conference will be virtual again this year. We are excited to announce that this year’s Conference will be FREE to all teachers and educators. We are thrilled to provide you with all STEM information at no cost to you! The planning committee is busy finalizing details. Stay tuned for more information.
Presentations will cover a variety of topics including:
- Updated Science TEKS
- Artificial Intelligence in STEM Learning
- The Texas TOTAL Eclipse
- The Year of Carbon and Climate
- The Ocean Decade
- Cool Tools to Improve Science Teaching and Learning
- Free STEM Competitions for your Students
- Project and Problem-based Learning Resources
- and much more
Our Commitment to STEM Education
The Texas STEM Coalition works to prepare all students to contribute to and thrive in the 21st century global economy through leveraging its extensive network of expertise, partnership, and resources in order to:
- drive transformation and advancement in teaching and learning
- promote the implementation of innovative, research- and standards-based STEM practices that align with College and Career Readiness objectives, and
- inspire teachers throughout Texas and the Southwest to continue to encourage excellence in their students.
The Texas STEM Conference accentuates the importance of and facilitates collaboration among educators and stakeholders in supporting student success.

50+ diverse, in-depth STEM breakout sessions from 100+ STEM Educators and Leaders

Collaborate and grow your network. The conference brings together leaders and innovators from throughout Texas and facilitates connections.